Agricultural Sector of Bettiah

Bettiah’s economy still continues to sustain itself on agricultural sector. Almost all villages coming under Bettiah block along with main city of Bettiah are completely dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. However, decades of urbanization has forced slight economic tilt towards service sector and even industrial sector. This slight economic tilt though has hardly posed any major challenge to domination of agricultural sector.
Predominantly three types of crops are grown across entire West Champaran district and not just Bettiah region. These three types of crops are Bhadai (Autumn crop), Aghani (Kharif) and Rabbi (Spring crop). Maize and Sugarcane mainly makeup Bhadai crops, while Paddy and Potato make up as main crops in Aghani whereas Rabbi crops mainly compromises of Wheat, Barley and Arhar.
Agricultural production of this region is quite high. This is mainly thanks to high annual rainfall that this district receives. In fact West Champaran District comparatively receives more rainfall than most other district. Furthermore, decent irrigation facilities coupled with fertile soil also helps in giving boost to agriculture production.
Industrial Sector of Bettiah
Bettiah is home to one of the three industrial areas of West Champaran District. In fact Bettiah Industrial area is the largest amongst the three industrial areas. Therefore this city is home to quite a few number industries. However, these quite a few industrial units are surely not sufficient enough to transform this region into a major industrial powerhouse. Lack of conducive environment for growth of industrial growth coupled with lack of skill labourers has always acted as hindrance to industrial growth in the region. Agro based industries are at forefront followed by steel, leather and wooden based industries. However, most of these industries operate either on small or medium scale basis. There are just 4 or 5 large scale industrial units in entire Bettiah industrial area.
Names of some of the large scale plants operating in Bettiah are:
- Bihar Seed Corporation Ltd Plant - Bettiah
- M/s Bihar Rajya Jal Vikas Nigam Ltd Plant - Bettiah
- M/S Steel Authority of India Plant
- M/s Bihar state Finished leather Development corporation ltd
Service Sector of Bettiah
Urbanization and service sector growth always go hand in hand. Today, there are innumerable service oriented institutions like banks, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, clinics etc. Besides, burgeoning service sector is also very much an integral part of local service sector here.
All said and done about growth witnessed during last decade, Bettiah’ service sector is still in nascent stage. The region still does not have required skill set to attract sufficient investment in service sector. This is exactly why there are hardly any BPO company, call center or even a small IT company in the entire region.
There is, however, no denying that last decade of decent growth in service has infused fresh breathe of air and new life into Bettiah’s flagging economy.
Despite all the strides made in service and industrial sector Bettiah’s economic situation still can’t be considered as very robust. What will make it robust is consistent and all round growth in service and industrial sector.